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Michael Wilson's 2024 Actor Workshops
Wild Geese Gallery is thrilled to welcome back award winning Broadway director Michael Wilson for a new series of actor intensive workshops from April through May 2024.
A total of 10 workshops will be divided into 2 series:
Realism & Naturalism (O'Neil, Wilson, Shaw, Chekhov, Ibsen and Williams)
Expressionism & the Epic Theatre (Pirandello, Genet, Albee, Baraka and Williams).
In addition to the daytime workshops we are now offering evening workshops (schedules below). Every course culminates in an Open-rehearsal Presentation where actors share and celebrate their work with a dynamic artistic community.
In addition to the Actor track there will be an Observer track for each workshop - highly recommended for writers, directors, and actors considering the class.

Mon--Thurs: 10am--6pm
Open-rehearsal Presentation: Thurs 7:30pm
Tues--Fri: 6pm--10pm, Sat: 10am--10pm
Open-rehearsal Presentation: Sat 7:30pm
Photo-Realism & Naturalism
DAYTIME WORKSHOPS Mon--Thurs: 10am--6pm | Open-rehearsal Presentation: Thurs 7:30pm
April 8 - 11
George Bernard Shaw's - Mrs. Warren's Profession
April 15 - 18
Henrik Ibsen's - Doll House
April 22 - 25
Tennessee Williams' - The Glass Menagerie
April 29 - May 2
Horton Foote's - Talking Pictures
May 6 - 9
Lorraine Hansberry's - Sign In Sydney Brustein's Window
EVENING WORKSHOP: Tues--Fri: 6pm--10pm & Sat: 10am--10pm | Open-rehearsal Presentation: Sat 7:30pm
May 14 - 18
Eugene O'Neill's - Long Day's Journey Into Night
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